Commercial Solar Solutions

Industrial Solar Rooftop

Solar energy can provide a good return on your investment through the use of un-utilized rooftop space and requires minimal maintenance.

One of the biggest advantages of an industrial solar rooftop is that when solar modules are rooftop mounted, they use the existing building structure and electrical system to minimize additional materials that would normally be required for ground mount and carport solar facilities. Such solutions therefore can bring a desirable financial benefit that can outweigh most challenges. Breakthrough Engineering is skilled with different types of roof structures and we are sensitive to building owners’ concerns. So no matter the concern, approach us for a complete solution.

Significant Cost savings

One of the greatest benefits of installing solar panels on the roof is that they provide cost savings. The tariff quotes for rooftop solar relative to industrial and commercial tariff rates are 17% and 27% lower, respectively. With the trend in solar being that panels keep getting cheaper, industries opting for solar are bound to see gains in the next few years.

Low maintenance costs

Industrial Rooftop Solar System is a cost-effective system that only requires proper cleaning and good maintenance from time to time, which in itself is not even a complicated process. Most solar rooftops have a life expectancy of 25 years which makes them worth the investment. Basically, no major costs are involved and they perfectly suit the Indian tropical conditions

Latest Project Description

The CIAL Solar Power Project is a 40-megawatt photovoltaic power station built at COK airport, India, by the company Cochin International Airport Limited. Cochin International Airport became the first fully solar-powered airport in the world with the commissioning the plant.

The plant comprises 92,150 solar panels laid across 94 acres near the international cargo complex. It is capable of generating 100,000 units of electricity daily and is also equipped with supervisory control and data acquisition system also known as SCADA.

Client Details

Scope of Services
PV Material Demand Analysis, 

Client Name
CIAL  Domestic Airport

Project Role
Performance Check

Start Date
March 2018

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